Agarapatana Plantations Limited Carrying the Legacy of Ceylon Tea into the Modern World
Daily FT. Wednesday June 14, 2023
Don’t miss the sun rise at Lipton Seat
The Scenic Splendour from Lipton’s Seat Now a tourist attraction, Lipton’s Seat was the vantage point from which the renowned Scottish tea tycoon Sir Thomas Lipton would oversee his flourishing empire. Lipton’s Seat offers a sweeping panorama that encompasses various remarkable locations in Sri Lanka. One can behold the scenic splendor of Handapanagala Lake, Chandrika…
Social Welfare Activities
In line with the Agarapatana Plantations’ policy and in collaboration with the Public Health and Development Trust (PHDT), we have implemented morning meal programs across all our estates. These programs are aimed at bolstering the nutritional well-being of the younger generation, ensuring they receive adequate nourishment to support their growth and development. We are deeply…
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